Discover the specific local rules that apply to our beautifully maintained Wensum Valley Golf Club. From unique course features to special regulations, our local rules ensure fair play and enjoyment for all golfers. Familiarise yourself with these guidelines to enhance your golfing experience at Wensum Valley.

Local Rules

Wensum Valley Golf Club in Norfolk, UK, has specific local rules to ensure fair play and course preservation. Players must follow these guidelines, which include respecting out-of-bounds markers, indicated by white stakes, and mandatory drops from certain areas, like water hazards or environmentally sensitive zones. Ground under repair is marked, and relief may be taken without penalty. Preferred lies may be in effect during adverse weather, allowing players to lift, clean, and place the ball within a scorecard length on closely mown areas. Golfers are also expected to repair divots and pitch marks and adhere to pace-of-play guidelines. Find all the clubs local rules below. 

a. Beyond and fence, stream or hedge bounding the course.

b. During play of hole 10, to the left of the hole, defined by white stakes, is out of bounds. These stakes are boundary objects during the play of hole 10. For all other holes, they are immovable obstructions.

c. During play of hole 17, to the right of the hole, defined by white
stakes, is out of bounds. These stakes are boundary objects during
the play of hole 17. For all other holes, they are immovable obstructions.

d. During play of hole 17, to the left of the hole the area around the
greenkeepers’ shed, defined by white stakes, is out of bounds. These
stakes are boundary objects during the play of hole 17. For all other
holes, they are immovable obstructions.

e. During play of hole 18, to the right, left and behind the green, defined by the path, is out of bounds.

f. During play of hole 18, to the left of the hole the area around the
greenkeepers’ shed, defined by white stakes, is out of bounds. These
stakes are boundary objects during the play of hole 18. For all other
holes, they are immovable obstructions.

a. Beyond and fence, stream or hedge bounding the course.

b. During play of hole 1, to the right of the hole, defined by white stakes,
is out of bounds. These stakes are boundary objects during the play of hole 1. For all other holes, they are immovable obstructions.

c. During play on the Wensum Course, the reservoir bordering holes 5,
6, 7 & 8, defined by the green perimeter fence, is out of bounds.

d. During play of hole 11, to the right of the hole, beyond the river, is out of bounds.

e. During play of hole 18, to the right, left and behind the green, defined by the path, is out of bounds. 

B-3 Provisional Ball for Ball in a Penalty Area

If a player does not know whether his or her ball is in the penalty area (Red Stakes), the player may play a provisional ball under Rule 18.3, which is modified in this way:

In playing the provisional ball, the player may use the stroke-and-distance relief option (see Rule 17.1d(1), the back-on-the-line relief option (see Rule 17.1d(2)) or, if it is a red penalty area, the lateral relief option (see Rule 17.1d(3)). If a dropping zone (see Model Local Rule E-1) is available for this penalty area, the player may also use that relief option.

Once the player has played a provisional ball under this Rule, he or she may not use any further options under Rule 17.1 in relation to the original ball.

In deciding when that provisional ball becomes the player's ball in play or if it must or may be abandoned, Rule 18.3c(2) and 18.3c(3) apply except that:

  • When Original Ball Is Found in Penalty Area Within Three-Minute Search Time.

    The player may choose either to:
    • Continue to play the original ball as it lies in the penalty area, in which case the provisional ball must not be played. All strokes with that provisional ball before it was abandoned (including strokes made and any penalty strokes solely from playing that ball) do not count, or
    • Continue to play the provisional ball in which case the original ball must not be played.
  • When Original Ball Is Not Found Within Three-Minute Search Time or Is Known or Virtually Certain to Be in Penalty Area. The provisional ball becomes the player's ball in play.

Penalty for Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty - Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play

The area defined by a white line on hole 14 is a no-play zone that is treated as an abnormal course condition. Relief must be taken from interference by the no-play zone under Rule 16.1f

At the player's option, dung from birds may be treated either as:

  • A loose impediment that may be removed under Rule 15.1, or
  • Ground under repair from which relief is allowed under Rule 16.1.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.

Paths and Vehicle Tracks

All roads and paths on the course, even if not artificially surfaced, are treated as immovable obstructions from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.